PhD Professor Roberto de Andrade Martins

Roberto de Andrade Martins is a physicist, graduated from USP in 1972 and completed his doctorate in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the State University of Campinas in 1987. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Sao Paulo. He was a professor at the Institute of Physics “Gleb Wataghin,” at the State University of Campinas, from 1983 to 2010. He collaborated, as an advisor, with the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo and with the University of Sao Paulo. He was President of the Brazilian Society for the History of Science and the Southern Cone Association of Philosophy and History of Science. He is dedicated to research on the history and philosophy of science (especially physics). He holds a CNPq research productivity grant, level I-B. He supervised 23 master’s theses and co-supervised 1, supervised 6 doctoral theses, and co-supervised 1 in History, Physics, Education, and Philosophy. He was a Visiting Professor at the Department of Physics at the State University of Paraíba, in Campina Grande, and at the Institute of Physics of Sao Carlos at the University of Sao Paulo. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Sao Paulo.



    • Martins, Roberto de Andrade. Joule’s 1840 manuscript on the production of heat by voltaic electricity. Notes and Records, 2020.


    • Martins, Roberto de Andrade. Becquerel e a descoberta da radioatividade: uma análise crítica. 1. ed. Campina Grande. São Paulo: EDUEPB, Livraria da Física, 2012. v. 1. 475p .


    • Martins, Roberto de Andrade. Teoria da relatividade especial. 2. ed. São Paulo: Livraria da Física, 2012. v. 1. 294p .


    • Martins, Roberto de Andrade. August Weismann, Charles Brown-Séquard e a controvérsia sobre herança de caracteres adquiridos no final do século XIX. Filosofia e História da Biologia, v. 5, p. 141-176, 2010.


  • Martins, Roberto de Andrade. Aristóteles e o estudo dos seres vivos. 1. ed. São Paulo: Editora Livraria da Física, 2015. v. 1. 157p .

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