"Huygens' reaction to Newton's gravitational theory"
["A reação de Huygens à teoria gravitacional de Newton"]

Roberto de Andrade Martins

Artigo publicado em: FIELD, J. V. & JAMES, Frank A. J. L. (eds.). Renaissance and revolution: Humanists, scholars, craftsmen and natural philosophers in early modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 203-13.

Resumo: A teoria da gravitação de Newton foi rejeitada por muitos cientistas da época. Entre outras coisas, a rejeição ocorreu por preconceito (adesão a outras teorias) e falta de compreensão da própria teoria, devida à sua dificuldade matemática. Christian Huygens foi um dos que rejeitaram a teoria de Newton, mas seus motivos foram diferentes. Este artigo argumenta que a principal razão foi que Newton foi um inovador sob o ponto de vista metodológico, e transgrediu regras metodológicas aceitas por seus coetâneos. Após a reação negativa recebida pelos Principia, Newton introduziu sua terceira e quarta regras filosóficas, e tentou justificar seu método. Este trabalho aponta que as questões discutidas nessas regras foram exatamente as que levaram Huygens a rejeitar o método newtoniano.

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Grupo de História, Teoria e Ensino de Ciências – UNICAMP

"Huygens' reaction to Newton's gravitational theory"
["A reação de Huygens à teoria gravitacional de Newton"]

Paper published in: FIELD, J. V. & JAMES, Frank A. J. L. (eds.). Renaissance and revolution: Humanists, scholars, craftsmen and natural philosophers in early modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 203-13.

Abstract: Newton's gravitational theory was rejected by many scientists of his time. Among other things, reasons for rejection included prejudice and lack of understanding of the theory itself, due to its mathematical difficulty. Christian Huygens was one of those who rejected Newton's theory, but his reasons were of a different sort. The paper claims that the main reason was that Newton was a methodological inovator, and he transgressed methodological rules accepted by his contemporaries. After the negative reaction received by the Principia, Newton introduced his third and fourth "regulae philosophandi" and tried to justify his method. This paper claims that the issues discussed in those rules were those that led Huygens to reject Newton's method.

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Group of History and Theory of Science – UNICAMP, Brazil